Monday, January 2, 2012

Let's delve into 2012...

I make no secret about my distaste for the whole idea of new years resolutions.  The concept of making life changes and setting unrealistic goals because the calendar tells you it’s the time to do that - and, then, ultimately, failing anyway - is something I find completely absurd and almost insulting.  Nonetheless every year I make the standard resolutions to lose 10 lbs, to get healthy, to start saving money, to make better life choices in general.  Every year despite my trepidations, I think that maybe this will be the year that I achieve all the goals.  Yup, every last one of them.  But, this year, I didn’t bother - not in the traditional, stereotypical sense anyway.  This year I came up with something better than a new years resolution.  It wasn’t something I set out to think up.  In fact, it didn’t happen until today.  Until I was still somehow sweating out the remnants of 2011 at a soul cycle class.  Until I was lost in the music, in the words of the instructor, in a single final tear shed for 2011.  As I spun my legs I suddenly realized how I wanted to start 2012.  I realized the benefit of being able to start anew.  To pretend we can truly wipe the slate clean and live the life we want to live, the life we are meant to live.  And yes, I still think January 1st is an arbitrary day to change your approach, to gain a new perspective, but I suppose I can see the appeal.  Of course, since January 1st is really just meant for nursing hangovers and successfully discovering you didn’t drunk text any ex-whatevers or lose any credit cards, and this year January 2nd was a federal holiday - on which no one can be expected to be worthwhile, I’ve resigned myself to starting this new attitude – if you will – on the 4th (since going back to work tomorrow will be enough of a challenge).  So, stay tuned.  

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